
Life Insurance Quotes

from Irish Life Assurance

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Life Insurance Calculators

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OnePlan Protection

Combine different types of benefits into one plan.

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Mortgage Protection Calculator

Helps pay your mortgage if you die or become seriously ill.

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Income Protection Calculator

Pays you a regular income if you can’t work because of an injury or illness while you are employed.

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Term Life Insurance Calculator

Life insurance that covers you for a fixed period (term).

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Life Insurance Advice

Speak to an Irish Life Financial Services advisor about your life insurance needs.

Why choose Irish Life?

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98.6% of death claims paid

(Irish Life Assurance, 2023)

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Supporting almost 8,000 families with claims

(Irish Life Assurance, 2023)

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Over 80 years looking after the needs of people in Ireland

(Irish Life Assurance, 2023)

How our advisors can help

Everybody is on their own path; everyone has their own journey. Having a plan in place really does mean that people have options.

-Linda Moran

Irish Life Financial Advisor